Sunday, April 13, 2008

No Smoke Detector? Go to Jail!

(from April 13, 2008)

A recent article in one of the local dailies wrote how where there are no smoke detectors in homes and where the child dies as a result the parents should be jailed.

At first I thought it was a very stupid idea. After all why punish the parent even more? Surely they'd feel bad enough and lots of guilt if their son or daughter dies in a fire.

But the more I think about it, it may not be such a stupid idea.

As long as it's not just parents who are jailed.

When I lived in the old area(Dundas Street/Erindale Station Road)the landlord didn't have any smoke detectors as a family member pointed out to me.

Now if there had been a fire and I died as a result would the landlord also be jailed?

If not then neither should parents of children who die as a result of no smoke detector in the home.